Therapy Bowl A Note


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Fundamental Note A2, 109 Hz.

Harmonic Note E4, 323 Hz.

Diameter 24 cms or 9 3/8 inches approx.

Height  10.5 cms or 4 1/8 inches approx.

This handmade bowl is made with seven different metals. It is hand-hammered on the exterior and interior and finished with a dim glowing look that gives a beautiful texture.

This bowl has a long-lasting vibration, the fundamental note resonates with the Third-eye Chakra on octave 2nd. The activation of this Chakra brings spiritual connection. It makes one able to observe Chakras and Auras.

Type : Jambati - MEDIUM

Includes 2 set professional mallets, one leather mallet for rim tone, and a woolen mallet to strike the bowl.

The sound sample is recorded after hitting the lip of the bowl with a red wool mallet. 

You will get exactly the same bowl shown here.

Handmade in Kathmandu, Nepal

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