Meditation Bowls
This is a bowl with the perfect fifth. When such a bowl is hammered the melody give you the calm sensation with the deep vibration. the humming in this bowl gives you the soothing feel over your mind and body.
These bowls help for spiritual awakening, self-realization and inner activation.
LARGE Fundamental Note B2, 124 Hz. Harmonic Note F#4, 368 Hz. Diameter 27.7 cms or 10 7/8 inches approx. Heig...
MEDIUM Fundamental Note C3, 128 Hz. Harmonic Note F#5, 732 Hz. Diameter 26.0 cms or 10 2/8 inches approx. Height 11.0 cms...
MEDIUM Fundamental Note F#3, 188 Hz. Harmonic Note C5, 523 Hz. Diameter 17.7 cms or 7 inches approx. Height 9...
MEDIUM Fundamental Note B3, 246 Hz. Harmonic Note F5, 714 Hz. Diameter 17.5 cms or 6 7/8 inches approx. Heigh...