Fullmoon Bowl for Compassion


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Fundamental Note F3, 173 Hz.

Diameter  21.3 cms or 8 3/8 inches approx.

Height  10 cms or 3 7/8 inches approx.

This medium-full moon bowl is hand-made during and directly under the light of the full moon. It is technically hand-hammered to give this nice look.

This bowl has a long-lasting sound and vibration, the fundamental note resonates with the Heart Chakra. This is the center of compassion, love, and affection. It connects the lower and upper chakras and bridges earthly matters with higher aspiration.

The full moon carries spiritual and healing energy; they symbol light hence the vibration of the full moon bowl is associated with the transformation of energy.

Type : Jambati - MEDIUM

Includes 2 set professional mallets, one leather mallet for rim tone, and a woolen mallet to strike the bowl.

The sound sample is recorded after hitting the lip of the bowl with a red wool mallet.

You will get exactly the same bowl shown here.

Handmade and hand-carved in Kathmandu, Nepal.

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