Avalokiteshvara Bowl
If you want our product on wholesale or special order, just send us an email at info@boshishopnepal.com or bodhihealingbowl@gmail.com. Let us know what you are looking for! We shall reply to your email ASAP.
Fundamental Note D3, 145 Hz.
Harmonic Note A4, 435 Hz.
Diameter 23cms or 9 1/8 inches approx.
Height 10.4cms or 4 1/8 inches approx.
The Beautiful handmade hand-carved master quality bowl is made and carved in Kathmandu Valley. A master artist took a lot of time and skill to make such an artwork. Each work is hand-carved and polished by hand to form extraordinary details. The Inside has a detailed carving of 1000 armed Lord of Compassion, " AVALOKITESHVARA" in its center along with beautiful swirls of Compassion Mantra "OM MANE PADME HUM" and Eternal Knot (one of the eight auspicious symbols). This shows unique craftmanship in its type. Outside also repeats the mantra of Compassion Om Mane Padme Hum with geometric assemble of Endless Knot symbols.
This powerful and pure mantra clears your mind, releases Karmas, empties your body, and brings awareness. It invokes the attention and blessings of Chenrezig, Avalokiteshvara.
The fundamental note resonates with the Sacral Chakra. This is the center that guides partnerships and relationships. It is associated with emotion, pleasure, connection, and intimacy. The shape and thickness of the wall bring lasting vibration, producing a strong and rich tone.
Type: Jambati - Carved - MEDIUM.
Includes 2 set professional mallets, one leather mallet for rim tone, and a woolen mallet to strike the bowl.
The sound sample is recorded after hitting the lip of the bowl with a red wool mallet.
You will get exactly the same bowl shown here.
Handmade & Hand-carved in Kathmandu, Nepal.